

This version was saved 16 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Christian Heilmann
on September 25, 2008 at 3:46:13 pm

Welcome to the Scripting Enabled Wiki     

Here is where we will collaborate and post information about the event and the systems created on the hack day.



IRC channel to share information and links, etc.

#scriptingenabled on the server irc.freenode.net 


Interaction Strategies (longplay) Wiki

Outlining people's strategies when dealing with websites of various level of accessibility. The information from this would provide a good basis for developing personlisation options.


  • Make Links Better - Greasemonkey script to help enlarge links.
  • Easy Audio Books - simple interface to search and return audio book matches that will work comfortably in screen readers.
  • Easy Google Maps - building a more accessible map interface using the Google Maps API based on the work done on Easy YouTube.
  • Accessible Editing - work on an accessible configutation of YUI's Rich text editor.
  • Reduce to the Max - Greasmonkey Script/ Cross Browser Bookmarklet to help focusing on the website content
  • Stylesheet selector - Greasmonkey script/bookmarklet to allow selection of a 'hosted anywhere' stylesheet on any page
  • Reading Blinds - a bookmarklet to partly cover the page to reduce glare.
  • Collapse All GreaseMonkey script - a GreaseMonkey script to allow users to collapse and expand part of a document much like code collapsing in an IDE (as requested by Phil Teare in his talk)

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