
Make Links Better

Page history last edited by kalv 16 years, 2 months ago


The work i carried out today was to produce a grease monkey script to make small links easier to read.


It simply enlarges all the small links on the page to 20px when you hover your mouse over the link and sets it back to the original size when the mouse is moved off it.


You can install the script using this link below from firefox after you have installed the greasemonkey plugin.




Current Issues:

- Having a link at the end of a paragraph causes rendering issues

- Rendering issues on NAV menus that have fancy spacing and graphics.


The code is up at Github:



There is a new branch and code in the Javascript file to perform X and Y stuff and drawing new boxes, this is to draw a new overlay to solve the issues, but have issues with X and Y plus making sure the popup is at the top of everything. The branch is up at make links better.


Comments (3)

alastc said

at 3:02 pm on Sep 21, 2008

Would it be better to not mess with the document flow?

I.e. rather than making the link itself bigger, create another one over the top?

kalv said

at 8:33 pm on Sep 21, 2008

Yeah for sure.

That's what the branch is. I started working on getting links drawn in a new box that overlays everything on the page. Just have to finish getting it working with correct x and y, the javascript doesn't use any fancy libraries (Yui, jquery, etc), didn't want to make it too big.

alastc said

at 10:06 am on Sep 22, 2008

Ah, ok, sorry, I should have read more of the code, I was just going through the installed version.

In terms of not making it big, you could consider using jQuery or similar from a CDN, that way people might already have it cached?

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